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ArtikelKonstruksi identitas muslimah berjilbab sebuah kajian etnografi linguistik  
Oleh: Mardiah, Zaqiatul ; Piantari, Lusi Lian
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: KOLITA 15 : Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya Kelima Belas, page 462-465.
Topik: identity; hijab; linguistics ethnography; trend; compliance
Fulltext: 462 Zaqiatul Mardiah, Lusi Lian Piantari - OK.pdf (271.25KB)
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 406 KLA 15
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
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Isi artikelThere are many ways people can do to exhibit their identity. One of them is through the appearance of their fashion. With the fashion and their fashion style, the people want to tell about who they are, how their social status are, and other representations. Wearing hijab is one of these representations. Wearing hijab is a social conduct that is not only reflecting the compliance to the rules of religion but also describing the fashion appetite of a moslem woman and other aspects as well. Linguistic ethnography is a method that is frequently applied to study the identity by analyzing the texts and languages that people use. In this research, we use texts in form of the verbal speech of some respondents as a data. These data we acquired by interviewing (in-depth interview) 20 respondents with ages range from 16 to 45 years old. The speech that we acquire from interview are then analyzed using the SPEAKING Grid (Hymes, 1962) and the linguistic ethnography framework (Titscher, 2000, Rampton 2004). The identity concept that we use as a thinking framework is the identity concept suggested by Woodward (1997), Martin & Nakayama (2000) and Giles & Middleton (1999).
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