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ArtikelPsychosocial Aspects of Hearing Loss in Children  
Oleh: Sorkin, Donna L. ; Gates-Ulanet, Patricia ; Mellon, Nancy K.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America (keterangan: ada di ClinicalKey) vol. 48 no. 06 (Dec. 2015), page 1073–1080.
Topik: Hearing Loss; Cochlear Implants; Mainstreaming; Inclusive Environments; Self-Confidence; Social-Emotional Learning
Fulltext: O06 v48 n6 p1073 kelik2016.pdf (155.95KB)
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Isi artikelPediatric hearing loss changed more in the past two decades than it had in the prior 100 years with children now identified in the first weeks of life and fit early with amplification. Dramatic improvements in hearing technology allow children the opportunity to listen, speak and read on par with typically hearing peers. National laws mandate that public and private schools, workplaces, and anywhere people go must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. In 2015, most children with hearing loss attended mainstream schools with typically hearing peers. Psychosocial skills still present challenges for some children with hearing loss.
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