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Impeller Geometry Suitable for Mini Turbo-Pump
Liu, Shuhong
Nishi, Michihiro
Yoshida, Kouichi
Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Fluids Engineering vol. 123 no. 3 (2001)
page 500-506.
impeller geometry
mini turbo - pump
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The objective of the present study is to investigate the suitable impeller geometry for a mini turbo - pump, which is defined as the size having impeller diameter between around 5 mm and 50 mm. This is treated because those pumps having the above size are regarded as low efficiency machines if efficiency is less than 40 percent or 50 percent. Considering that not only low Reynolds number and tip clearance but the design method are the major causes for low performance, we carried out the performance test experimentally using two semi - open centrifugal impellers : one is named as Impeller B of 36 mm diameter and the other is Impeller C of 34 mm diameter. And the former is designed by a conventional method and the latter is based on the proposed method. In the performance tests, rotational speed was varied between 3000 rpm and 10,000 rpm and the axial clearance at the blade tip of impeller exit was between 0.2 mm and 0.8 mm. It is clearly seen from the results that Impeller C gives the better hydraulic performance. It is also clarified that the effect of tip clearance on Impeller C performance is much smaller than that of the Impeller B. Further, we conducted numerical calculation of impeller performance, where the commercial CFD code named TASCflow was used with k- turbulence model. From the results, the turbulent flow analysis is reasonably usable to study the flow in the above mini impellers.
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