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Experience with world’s first Gimbal top distributor in tata steel ‘C’ blast furnace
Tripathi, Vineet R
Singh, Amit Kr
Mishra, Prakhar
Kumar, Dushyant
Roy, Debojyoti
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
ANQ Congress 19-22 October 2010 New Delhi
page 1-12.
Blast Furnace
Burden Distribution
Bell less Top
Charging Pattern
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The burden distribution in a blast furnace has always been a subject of exploration for the operators as it is believed to have maximum potential to influence the operation of a furnace. The conventional double bell charging top has now been almost replaced by bell less top charging unit with chute distributor. Tata Steel has witnessed this growth over last 100 years and at present has got blast furnaces with all kinds of top charging unit which includes double bell at B&D BF, CBLT at E & F BF and BLT at G and H BF. The Gimbal top was new addition in this series installed at C BF which has been rebuilt recently to a capacity of 0.7 MTPA. In this up-graded furnace, a new burden distributor “Gimbal Distributor” was introduced at the furnace top which is the first of its kind in the world. Technically, the Gimbal bears two major differences to the conventional BLTs – the design of its chute and its two plane motion by co-axial hydraulic cylinders instead of motor and gear boxes. The Gimbal top had many additional features of charging pattern like spiral charging, sector charging, point charging and modulation of rotation speed which all have been tried out at C BF and results have been validated The process of trials , installation and stabilization of the Gimbal top have enriched the operators skill and experience and have inculcated in a sense of pride as Tata Steel has again pioneered a new era in the history of blast furnace iron making.
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