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Quality – the need of the hour; Our journey towards repair free manufacturing
Bhandi, Prakash
Raj, John Solomon
Putraya, Sriraj
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
ANQ Congress 19-22 October 2010 New Delhi
page 1-13.
Repair Free Manufacturing
Design for Quality
Station-wise Capability
Bosch Production System (BPS)
Process Chain Analysis
Isi artikel
If organizations have to achieve manufacturing excellence and be competitive in the world, it is just not enough to have cost competitiveness and young workforce Robustness in formulating Strategies and disciplined implementation of various concepts as applicable to the organization need to be in place. One such strategy is what we have elaborated in this Paper. It deals with the importance of Quality to be World Class. The team analysed the need, methodologies and ill-effects of Repair in manufacturing industries. The perception about Repaired parts was also analysed through a Survey. Going through this paper you will find the strategy, methods and advantages of Repair Free Manufacturing (RFM). Since pilot introduction and feedback on this is already available, enthused engineers can implement RFM and achieve an inclusive growth of Asia.
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