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Ligninolytic Enzymes Produced by Gliomastix sp. in an Organic Waste Medium
Kuswytasari, Nengah Dwianita
Shovitri, Maya
Zulaika, Enny
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
IPTEK: The Journal for Technology and Science vol. 26 no. 1 (Apr. 2015)
page 5-9.
Gliomastix sp
organic waste medium
ligninolytic enzyme
Isi artikel
Ligninolytic enzymes are extracelluler enzymes for cutting lignin or lignocelluloses, a complex carbohydrate, to be a more simple carbohydrate. The enzymes have a commercial value for many kinds of industrial purposes, ex. pulp and paper industry. Gliomastix sp. was one reported fungi that produced those enzymes. Since organic waste was a cheap and potential organic source for microbial growth, this study was aimed to figure out whether Gliomastix sp. T3.7 able to produce ligninolytic enzyme on several chosen organic waste medium, and to detect the effect of temperature and pH on its enzymatic activity. The enzymatic activity was measured using spectrofotometer UV-Vis. The result showed that Gliomastix sp. T3.7 was able to produce laccase, manganese peroxidase (MnP) and lignin peroxidase (LiP) that belonged to ligninolytic enzymes. Each enzyme showed a different need of temperature and pH condition for each particular optimum activity. On a sugarcane baggase waste medium, Gliomastix sp. T3.7 reached an optimum laccase activity of 1,8 U/ml at 350C and on pH 6, while MnP activity (1 U/ml) at 250C and on pH 4. The activity of LiP was optimum of 8,1 U/ml on a corn cobs waste medium at 350C and on pH 5.
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