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Hubungan Glycated Albumin dengan Angka Banding Kolestrol LDL/LDH di Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
Eriskawati, Tiwik
Diah, M.I.P
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory vol. 22 no. 01 (Nov. 2015)
page 16-21.
Glyacated Albumin
Angka Banding Kolestrol LDL/HDL
Diabetus Melitus Tipe 2
Perpustakaan FK
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Diabetes causes about 5% of all deaths globally each year. Glycated hemoglobin has been routinely used as a biomarker for long-term glycemic control. Glycated albumin is an intermediate glycemic marker, a potent atherogenic protein, which plays a role in developing atherosclerosis. LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio can be used to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease caused by impaired lipid metabolism in type 2 diabetic patients. The aim of this study was to know the association between GA and HbA1c with LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio in type 2 diabetic patients. The study was carried out by a cross sectional design. Eighty four type 2 diabetic patients admitted to the Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic of the Dr. Moewardi Hospital who met the study inclusion criteria were studied. Linear Regression and Chi Square tests were used to analyze the data, p value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant, with the confidence interval of 95%. In this study, significant associations between GA and HbA1c with LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio (R=0629 and R=0.501, p=0.001) were found. Type 2 diabetic patients with GA =17% obtaining LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio >1.85 was 10.33 greater than those of with GA <17% (RP=10.33; CI 95%; 1.01–109.49; p=0.018). While type 2 diabetic patients with HbA1c =7% obtaining an LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio >1.85 was 12.76 greater than those with HbA1c <7%, but was statistically not significant (RP=12.76; CI 95%; 0.66–245; p=0.017). Based on this study it can be concluded that GA can be used to predict LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio. Thus, GA is superior to HbA1c in predicting LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio.
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