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Contact Angle Measurement of Dental Restorative Materials By Drop Profile Image Analysis
Yulianto, H. D. K.
Rinastiti, M.
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI - non-atma jaya
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Teknosains: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Gadjah Mada vol. 03 no. 02 (Jun. 2014)
page 112-119.
Contact angle
Microbial adhesion
Dental restorative materials
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Adhesi Mikroba
Bahan restorasi gigi
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The capability of initial microbial adhesion to dental restorative composites surface is influenced by surface wettability of materials. The common method to evaluate surface wettability of materials is contact angle measurement. The existing conventional method to measure the contact angle is carried out by means of contact angle (CA)-Goniometer device which is less practically applicable in clinical circumstances. Therefore, the more Practical and applicable method is needed to measure the contact angle in clinical circumstances. To compare between the contact angle measured by means of CA-Goniometer device and new practically method by drop profile image analysis. In addition due to there were two different formulas that can be used to calculate the contact angle value from the drop profile image, then we also need to evaluate the formula which is more reliable to be used. Tests were carried out using three composite discs (Qearfill-Kuraray Medical, Inc. ) sample and deionised water for different measurement procedures. One drop liquid was dropped on the surface of the composite discs and the drop profile imagewas captured by means of customized home-made device connected with digital camera. Two different formulas were used to calculate the contact angle value from the drop profile image, named "linier gradient equation" and "tangential line". The contact angle values obtained from two different formulas were compared with the value obtained fromthe conventional method descriptively. The difference percentage between the contact angle value calculated by the both formula ("linier gradient equation" and "tangential line") and those calculated by means of the CA-Goniometer is 20,56% and 3,51% respectively. It is obviously demonstrated that the value obtained by the "tangential line" formula has a smaller difference percentage compared with those obtained by the "linier equation gradient" formula. Among two different formulas, it is confirmed that the contact angle value calculated with "tangential line" formula has closer similarity with the value obtained from the CA-Goniometer.
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