Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 08:27 WIB
ArtikelBahasa di balik pembunuhan karakter: studi kasus rumor larangan hijab bagi pegawai BUMN = The language behind character assassination: a case study of rumors that soe employees are prohibited from wearing veils  
Oleh: Prihantoro
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Litera: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya vol. 14 no. 2 (Oct. 2015), page 277-292.
Topik: bare noun; generic-definite-indefinite; ambiguity; foregrounding; veil
Fulltext: 277-292.pdf (1.84MB)
Isi artikelThis article presents discourse analysis of veil wearing prohibition that gives negative stigma to the Minister of State-owned Enterprises (SOE). The data sources were DE’s tweets and an article in the NS newspaper quoting DE. The data were analyzed by the framing model by Pan and Kosicki studied by Borah (2011) and other relevant theories. The results of the analysis show that the negative image comes from DE’s tweets. This occurs because of a shift in the nominal structure of an indefinite bare noun into a generic one, resulting in a false generalization (syllogistic fallacy). Visual signs (bold letters, red marks), quotation selection, and other emphases seem to foreground and lead to a particular person’s negative image. Such a fact can be used as a basis to doubt the originality of the document DE uploaded. Although the reference is exophoric (not written in the text), readers do not find it difficult to comprehend the discourse contents by relating the discourse structure to the available information.
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