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Long-Term Unemployment in Japan in the Global Financial Crisis and Recession
Shinozaki, Takehisa
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Japan Labor Review vol. 12 no. 03 (2015)
page 25-50.
long-term unemployment
decomposition analysis
long-term unemployment rates
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This paper examines the trends in long-term unemployment (unemployment for six months or more) in Japan across the period around the global financial crisis of the late 2000s and the subsequent Great Recession. Using data from the Labour Force Survey and Employme nt Status Survey, both conducted by the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Inte rnal Affairs and Comm unications, it uses decomposition analysis to il lustrate some factors that change the long-term unemployment rates. While also shifting along with cyclical changes in the economy, the long-term unemployment rate and the sh are of long-term unemployed in the total unemployed have continued to rise over the last 30 years. From the mid-2000s, there was a large increase in the very long-term unemployed (peo- ple unemployed for over two years), accounting for more than a quarter of the total unemployed males in the mid-2010s . The decomposition analysis shows that the changes in the long-term unemployment rates are influenced to a large degree by the changes in the unemploy ment rate and the share of long-term unemployed in the total unemployed. The long-term unemployment rates are high for male workers, young workers (age 15 ? 24) and those whose highest level of education is high school or lower. The long-term unemployment rates are high in the three major met- ropolitan areas, while the share of long-term unemployed in the total number of unemployed is high in the rural areas.
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