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E-Journaling As A Tool for Teacher’s Feedback in EFL Paper Writing Classroom
Wahyuningrum, Rida
Article from Proceeding
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The 62st TEFLIN International Conference: Teaching and Assessing L2 Learners in the 21st Century, Denpasar, 14-16th September 2015, Book 4
page 275-281.
inquiry learning strategy
teacher’s feed-back
hal 275.pdf
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Journals refer to permanent records of thoughts and ideas that an individual has processed and clarified through the act of writing or otherwise recording their experiences (Killion, 1999). E-journaling is writing in a journal as an online tool a teacher can apply as their useful teaching technique to promote students’ critical thinking skills. In line with that, the purpose of this writing is to describe how EFL teachers can conduct their feedback towards students’ works in their paper writing class by using e-journaling. In this way, teacher will apply an inquiry teachinglearning strategy by making use of online connection to build ties between online students with him via e-mails and blogs to enhance both reflection and understanding about writing a paper. 20 sixth semester undergraduate students are involved and they are encouraged to utilize e-mails to report their writing performance (finding a topic, writing the thesis, introduction, theoretical framework, method, results, discussion, and conclusion). In return, teacher will provide feedback digitally. Both students’ work and teacher’s note on the process of writing a paper are recorded in a such a way that they enable both sides to see the records of thoughts and ideas during the learning process via teacher’s blog. The steps includes teacher’s preparation, application, and evaluation. The records can help the students understand the rhetoric of a paper writing and build a critical thinking amongst them. This kind of e-communication between teacher and students will bring about learning autonomy and self-reflection.
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