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ArtikelUsing Games in Teaching Pronunciation at English Department Students of STKIP AL Hikmah  
Oleh: Hadi, Faishol
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: The 62st TEFLIN International Conference: Teaching and Assessing L2 Learners in the 21st Century, Denpasar, 14-16th September 2015, Book 3, page 139-147.
Topik: Pronunciation; Games; motivation
Fulltext: hal 139.pdf (10.99MB)
Isi artikelPrononciation is one of the components of English that determine whether students have good competence of speaking or not. In learning prononciation, students frequently face two obstacles in mastering this competence, they are producing appropriate English sound and understanding the symbol of the English sound. The objective of this research entitled “Using Games in Teaching Prononciation at English Department Students of STKIP Al Hikmah” was to examine whether or not teaching using games was able to encourage students’ motivation in improving their prononciation competence. The prononcation games are the learning activities that facilitate the students in improving prononciation, either understanding the symbol of sound or producing the sound accurately. The setting of this research was the English Education Department Students of STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya, so the games were applied in the class of prononciation of that department. The data were collected using questionaire and classroom observation. The result of this research was this teaching technique (games) was able to encourage students’ motivation and interest in learning prononciation. The interesting activities of this game effectively facilitate the students in improving their prononciation competence.
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