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ArtikelApplication of Building Model and Educational Activity Tool: The Translation Multimedia Integration (Learning Software via Subtitle) in Undergraduate Degree Program  
Oleh: Dwiastuty, Nina ; Retnomurti, Ayu Bandu ; Indriana, R.R. Astri
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: TransCon 2015: The 5th Atma Jaya International Conference in Translation & Interpretation Studies, “Terminologies & Neologisms in the Eyes of Translators”,, page 133-139.
Topik: application of software; translation; subtitle film; aspect of class; student; activity; translation procedure; action research
Fulltext: hal 133.pdf (4.55MB)
Isi artikelLanguage is always growing up to follow the times using information technology in daily life. So, it can relate to multimedia integration in information technology. Seeing the needs of translation classes some years and remembering the less of using information technology in classes, especially for students who take translation in university. This research applies to the needs of students in order to be interactive, creative, and communicative which is to design building model and educational tool as software based translation multimedia integration via subtitle for translation learners generally and students of UNINDRA especially in taking translation. The reason is choosing subtitle because misunderstanding to translate it, so the students have problem in translating since language is usually different when transfers the message from SL into TL. The purposes in the first and second year are to support teaching process in meaning concept and procedure of translation, to help students to be active, creative, interactive and communicative in teaching learning translation, also to describe the role and using of software in teaching translation in order to improve their ability in listening, identifying, typing, classifying text and analyzing. The method used is descriptive qualitative to focus on 3 steps of teaching process in translation: pre, whilst and post teaching. So, the result in the first year is there are 5 main categories of meaning concepts: lexical, grammatical, textual, situational and sociocultural meaning. Therefore, to be continued in the second year which is by applying that software as teaching aid. However, the purposes in the second year which are to apply the teaching technique of translation training is not only in UNINDRA PGRI, but also to cooperate with Gunadarma and Nasional University in order to integrate into Translation Lesson Plan, then is to map (mapping) the best teaching method for integration this software by making the perfect of software application for classroom (user friendly), to improve the product feature for example user friendly software that consists of teacher-student versions, and to make electronic translation site account or it could be website in order to make easier when the students want to access their translation tasks. In the second year, it focuses in action research; the specific research method which has directly relevance through teaching and learning in classroom and it has function as the facilitator of lecturer to improve the learning action for student. Action research consists of social situation in classroom: aspect of campus, students, and teaching learning interaction that interact in synergies with three universities and their classrooms to apply software in translation training, and also to get the application result of students in class observation. So, the result in the second year is there are five types of translation procedure which are literal (54%), borrowing (4%), transposition (14%), modulation (15%) and adaptation (13%). Hopefully by using this application, the students could try themselves, also they are no left behind in using IT recently and for lecturers could be maximize in 3 role-plays of university.
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