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ArtikelThe Influence Of Cultural Schemata On Critical Reading Comprehension And Processing Strategies  
Oleh: Sangiamwibool, Amporn
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: Conference on Teaching English as a Foreign Language: The 1st COTEFL International Conference, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto, 1-2 May 2009, page 112-121.
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 406 CTE 1
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Isi artikelAccording to schemata theory, cultural schemata are the major factors that influence reading comprehension as well as reading strategies in general. But whether they influence critical reading is still debatable. The main purpose of this study is therefore to examine how cultural schemata influence adult readers' critical reading comprehension and their processing strategies, with three specific purposes: (1) to examine the influence of cultural schemata on Thai students' critical reading comprehension (2) to examine the influence of cultural schemataon the readers' critical reading strategies and (3) to explore the relationship between the strategies they used and the reasons they gave. 60 proficient readers-30 from English for Communication who lacked prior knowledge of the text and 30 from Business Administration who had prior knowledge of the text-read Business texts in English. The elicitation instruments consisting of instructions, posttests, and interviews were constructed based on the Critical Reasoning Part of GMAT Test (Graduate Management Admission Test). The results revealed that, first, cultural schemata appeared to influence readers' critical reading comprehension. The scores of Business Administration readers were significantly higher than those of the readers of English for Communication. Second, cultural schemata appeared to influence readers' critical reading strategies. Business Administration readers used Categories E (using background knowledge) and D (establishing intersentential ties) significantly more often than the readers of English for Communication who used Categories A (developing awareness), B (accepting ambiguity), and C (establishing intrasentential ties) more often than the Business Administration readers. Finally,cultural schemata appeared to relate to differences in reasons the readers gave. The reasons the readers of English for Communication responded were linguistic reasons (41%), educational reasons (18%), cognitive-psychological reasons (13%), content-specific category (11%), (un)important category (9%) , and uncategorizable category (8%) whereas the reasons Business Administration readers responded were content-specific category (48%), cognitive-psychological reasons (19%), liguistic reasons (10%), educational reasons (10%), uncategorizable category (9%), and (un)important category (4%). This study could conclude that, to enhance critical reading comprehension and processing strategies, intructors need to acknowledge the influence of cultural schemata and integrate them into their instructional designs to facilitate critical reading.
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