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Field Dependence-Independence as a Variable in Academic Achievement and Career Identity (abstract only)
Yun-Ji, Kim
Woo-Ri, Kim
Jung-Sub, Kim
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
The International Symposium on Social Sciences (TISSS) and Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS) at Hongkong, December 2013
page 968.
cognitive style
academic achievement
career identity
Hong Kong-Conference 165.pdf
Isi artikel
The cognitive style of field dependence-independence has been shown in a number of studies to be related to academic achievement and career identity. The purpose of the study was to explore the effects of field dependent-independent cognitive style on academic achievement and career identity. In order to achieve such purpose, the following questions were examined: First, does the field dependent-independent cognitive style make a difference in academic achievement? Second, does the field dependent-independent cognitive style make a difference in career identity? First, with the field-dependent/independent cognitive style is there difference in academic achievement? Second, with the field-dependent/independent cognitive style, is there difference in career identity? Approximately 270 students enrolled in a high school located in Busan Korea were participants for this study. The students were administered the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) of field dependence-independence which was translated in Korean and Career Identity inventory. Academic achievement scores were obtained from the mid-term examination. First of all, Field dependent-independent cognitive style was classified by the GEFT score. The top 30% group was a field independent group and the bottom 30% group was a field dependent group. To examine the relation among the field dependent-independent cognitive style, academic achievement, and career identity, correlation analysis were used. To investigate group difference, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed. The results of this study were summarized as follows: First, the results showed that field independent students achieved higher than field dependent students (F= 5.341, p. < .01). Second, there were no differences in Career Identity scores between field independent and field dependent students (F= .747, p. > .05). However, exceptionality, one of the five sub-factors of career identity, was related with the cognitive styles. It means that field independent group showed higher exceptionality. This result suggests that Korean high schools do not provide the field dependent student with the desired academic environment, but not career experience.
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