Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:34 WIB
ArtikelResting Beta Power Correlates with Impulsivity Strength in Menopausal Women: An Electroencephalography Study  
Oleh: Hwang, Ren-Jen ; Guo, Zhan-Xian ; Hsu, Hsiu-Chin ; Lee, Yu-Sheun
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: The International Symposium on Social Sciences (TISSS) and Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS) at Hongkong, December 2013, page 902-906.
Topik: Menopause; Impulsivity trait; Electroencephalography (EEG); Brain; ß power
Fulltext: Hong Kong-Conference 146.pdf (514.13KB)
Isi artikelMenopausal transition, or perimenopause, is marked by fluctuations in reproductive hormones and characterized by subsequent mood disorders and other psychiatric problems. Impulsivity is a personality trait, but it is also a feature of several psychiatric disorders that have not been examined within the menopausal population. Electroencephalography (EEG) continues to be a widely used methodology in the study of human behavior. The present study quantitatively investigated the relationships of neuropsychological characteristics and resting EEG activity with d (0.5-4 Hz), ? (4–8 Hz), a (8-13 Hz), ß (13-30 Hz), and ? (31-40 Hz) frequencies in menopausal women. The psychological assessment inventory comprised the State Anxiety Inventory (SAI), Beck Depression Inventory (DI), Caver’s Behavioral Inhibition Scale (BIS), and the Impulse Scale (IS). EEG was used to record the spontaneous activity of 14 menopausal women (46-54 years old), with their eyes closed for 3 min, along the scalp by using the standard 10-20 system. The results showed that subjective impulsivity was positively related to the ß power that is symmetrical at whole-brain regions (frontal, temporal, central, parietal, and occipital regions) (p < .05), but did not relate to the d, ?, a, and ? powers. The low to high bands of brain waves, d???a?ß?? power were also not associated with the other psychometric scores of the DI, SAI, and BIS at generally cortical regions. A ß power increase has showed to poor impulse control in several psychiatric disorders; however, the evidence provided in previous studies is based on cognitive tasks. The present study provided a quantitative analysis of the correlations among resting EEG, low to high band activity, and psychometric properties. The results indicate that resting EEG beta spectrum power can be used to specifically predict the degree of impulsivity strength in perimenopausal women. The results also indicate that personality traits that correlate with psychometric or cognitive alteration caused by hormone level fluctuations in ageing or women health should be considered in future research.
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