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Snowball Effect on Children’s Cognitive Development (abstract only)
Sak, Ugur
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
The International Symposium on Social Sciences (TISSS) and Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS) at Hongkong, December 2013
page 319.
snowball effect
cognitive development
Hong Kong-Conference 45.pdf
Isi artikel
A small difference in children’s skills in early years can snowball into an overwhelming difference in the future. The hypothesis is that early advantages can bring about reciprocal causation between the development of skills and performance of these skills. To test this hypothesis, a pilot study was carried out on gifted students’ mathematical achievement. Twenty gifted students were administered a mathematics achievement test in the first grade. Three years later when the students started the third grade, a third-grade equivalent mathematics achievement test was administered as a posttest to examine the mean difference between the students’ first grade performance and second grade performance. Results partly supported the snowball effect hypothesis. Although students who had higher performance relative to those who had lower performance in the first grade still had much higher performance in the third grade, the magnitude of the difference was not large enough to support the snowball effect.
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