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Examining a New Framework for Standardization/Adaptation Issue in Global Marketing
Fang, Bin
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
The 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS), 3-6 December 2013 Cebu, Philippines
page 1-4.
Isi artikel
Some studies discussed that a company could launch similar products and services around the world with standardized marketing programs if the market is homogeneous and the similarity of the markets is high (Hamel and Prahalad, 1985; Levitt, 1983). However, this view has received criticism for underestimation of cultural, political, and economic differences between nations and, thus, the feasibility of standardization has been questioned (Boddewyn, Soehl and Picard, 1986; Quelch and Hoff, 1986; Wind, 1986). Other studies have applied the contingency approach, which focused on the degree of desired and feasible standardization (Jain, 1989; Rau and Preble, 1987; Walters, 1986). There are also arguments against standardization. To focus on cost reduction is to ignore the target groups need for meaningful message (Onkvisit and Shaw, 1990). The main purpose of adaptation is to gain different advantage by adapting the advertisement to gain maximum effectiveness in terms of response and sales (Onkvisit and Shaw, 1990). The recent developments in information and communication technologies accompanied with the ongoing globalization stream, and volatile economic and competitive conditions have increased the need to reexamine the standardization/adaptation issue. In this paper, hypotheses of standardization/adaptation in global marketing strategy will be theoretically analyzed. The main purpose of this study is to examine a framework about the above mentioned theme.
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