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ArtikelEvaluation of sustainable manufacturing strategies using the analytic network process  
Oleh: Ocampo, Lanndon A. ; Clark, Eppie E.
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: The 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS), 3-6 December 2013 Cebu, Philippines, page 1-7.
Topik: sustainable manufacturing; analytic network process
Fulltext: 4006.pdf (112.45KB)
Isi artikelA significant amount of literature has been already published on developing sustainable manufacturing indicators sets which addressed research problems on how to measure sustainability of manufactured products and manufacturing processes. Nevertheless, directions in current research focus on how to operationalize sustainable manufacturing. The groundwork of Ocampo and Clark (2012a) provides insights on aggregating sustainable manufacturing performance into an index based from a hierarchical sustainable manufacturing decision problem using Analytic Hierarchy Process. However, the model developed by Ocampo and Clark (2012a) does not account for dependence and feedback of elements in the decision problem. These interrelationships are obviously present when accounting for the triple bottom line i.e., economic, environmental and social dimensions. Understanding how these interrelationships play will provide us valuable insights on developing strategies to optimize sustainable manufacturing. This paper proposes a methodology on evaluating strategies for sustainable manufacturing with dependence and feedback using Analytic Network Process (ANP). ANP, as a generalization to AHP, has been proven to account for relationships of the decision problem by capturing objective and subjective judgments of the decision-maker. A numerical example of a semiconductor assembly and test manufacturing plant is shown to convey the methodology. Important result of this paper suggests that sustainability could be attained by enhancing customer and community well-being by addressing environmental concerns such as pollution due to toxic substance, greenhouse gas emissions and air emissions. Future research must direct on formulating manufacturing policies to enhance customer and community welfare especially in product and process design.
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