Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:13 WIB
ArtikelConsideration of the effectiveness of a face-graph user interface - a self-training system for professors.  
Oleh: Arai, Hiroshi ; Nambo, Hidetaka ; Seto, Syuichi ; Shimomura, Yuko ; Kawabe, Hiroyuki
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: The 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS), 3-6 December 2013 Cebu, Philippines, page 1-5.
Topik: Faculty Development; Teaching Skills; Voice Analysis; User-interface; Industrial Engineering Education.
Fulltext: 1184.pdf (6.09MB)
Isi artikelWe have developed a self-training system for professors, the object of which is to improve speech ability. The system not only solves language problems, but improves nonverbal communication. This system evaluates complex results regarding judgment, so we need an easy to understand user-interface. Therefore, we developed a user-interface using Chernoff's face graph, and are evaluating the results of trial use. A face graph can show results with many variables. A face shows such data as human expression. In the graph, face parts such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and eyebrows work together. The face graph not only shows the value of data, but also can add judgment such as good and bad. The user can have an experience similar to having students actually hearing their speech, and the user can understand the evaluation intuitively. The system compares good-example-voice-data and user-voice-data to determine results and evaluates how to speak through two steps. In the first step, the system changes the face graph so that it reflects the value of data through the face parts. In this step, the system does not change the form of the eyebrows or the angle of the mouth, and face graph does not show emotion. In the second step, the system can add positive or negative emotion. For example, if the results are good, the iris of the eye gets larger and the face graph shows a strong smile. If the results are bad, the eyebrows slant and the face looks sad. In our presentation, we will report on the face-graph interface and the self-training system for professors.
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