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ArtikelCognitive map alignment using ontology matching process  
Oleh: Lee, Heejung
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: The 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS), 3-6 December 2013 Cebu, Philippines, page 1-6.
Topik: cognitive map; ontology matching; concept representation
Fulltext: 1146.pdf (1.33MB)
Isi artikelCognitive map is a well-known approach to model the dynamic of qualitative systems by catching and exploring the experts’ implicit knowledge of problem domain. The usefulness of cognitive map inspires many researchers and practitioners in various fields to construct their own cognitive model. However, despite of the existence of similar cognitive maps, they have created myriads of similar cognitive maps again and again. This paper describes an investigation into the reuse and application of existing cognitive maps for the purpose of specifying and formally producing the cognitive map alignment. The ontology matching approach is used to find the correspondences between semantically related entities of the similar cognitive maps, and the cognitive map alignment result can be returned through the series of proposed operations.
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