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ArtikelThe performance of Panggung Bangsawan in Riau Lingga: A reconstruction of a theatrical process  
Oleh: Arybowo, Sutamat
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Wacana: Jurnal ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya vol. 12 no. 1 (2010), page 20-34.
Topik: Panggung Bangsawan; staging process; reconstruction; transformation; Riau Lingga
Fulltext: 42-72-1-SM.pdf (529.88KB)
Isi artikelPanggung Bangsawan is a popular folk theatre in Riau Lingga. The ups and downs in its performance are atributed to changes in social, political, and cultural conditions. This article is a reconstruction of a near extinct Panggung Bangsawan group in the Teluk village in the islands of Riau Lingga. First, I have attempted to describe the staging process; second, to endeavour to understand the phenomenon of change which occurs when a folk tale is transformed from the written work into a performance; and third, to expose the transformation of a script (text) divided into scenes into a performance. This is an attempt to explain the relation between the audience’s response to a text when it is staged. This article is expected to give a more profound understanding of how the society that supports Panggung Bangsawan remembers its past and its ideal views while comprehending how the shift in life values emerges in a staged folk tale.
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