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Collection Detail
Model Evaluasi Program Tutorial Tatap Muka Universitas Terbuka
Suryanto, Adi
Gafur, Abdul
Sudarsono, F.X.
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI - non-atma jaya
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan vol. 17 no. 2 (2013)
page 198-214.
evaluation model
face-to-face tutorial
validity and reliability
Isi artikel
This study aims at developing an evaluation model of the face-to-face tutorial program implemented by the Open University. The model of evaluation developed in this research focuses on evaluation of: planning, processing, and results, so the model is called the P2HT evaluation model. The P2HT evaluation model is developed on eight steps: (1) preliminary research, (2) designing model, (3) developing prototype model, (4) trying-out with limited number of samples, (5) revising, (6) trying-out with larger samples, (7) constructing final model, and (8) disseminating. The prototype model was tried-out at Yogyakarta Open University Regional Center in three stages. The readability was tested to 15 experts, 12 practitioners, and 55 students. The content validity was measured by a series of discussion forum involving evaluation experts and distance education experts, in the form of face-to-face meetings, FGDs, as well as emails. The construct validity was analyzed by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis, while the reliability was analyzed for each dimension employing the Alpha analysis per dimention. The path analysis was used to analyze the causality relationship among variables in the P2HT evaluation model especially in stage 3 try-out. The results of the study indicate that: (1) the P2HT evaluation model is comprehensive, valid, practical, easy to use, and has a high level of readability, (2) all instruments are valid and reliable, (3) the management of program, self-directed learning, place and facilities of tutorial, tutorial process, and students satisfaction have an effect on the students achievement. Among the five variables, the process of tutorial has given the greatest effect 58%.
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