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ArtikelPengaruh Metode dan Ukuran Sampel Terhadap Variansi Skor Hasil Penyetaraan  
Oleh: Rijanto, Tri
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI - non-atma jaya
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan vol. 16 no. 1 (2012), page 365-383.
Topik: score variance; equating; equipercentile method; linear method
Fulltext: 1123-8586-1-PB.pdf (455.31KB)
Isi artikelThis study was aimed to obtain information on the difference of score variance as a result of equating linear method and equipercentile method for the sample size of 200, 400, and 800 in the Final Examinition of National Standardized Schools. The method used was a simulation of variables equating method and the number of respondents. The population are examinees from the 2008/2009 elementary school final examination for science class in East Jakarta. Random sampling with replacement technique was used. The hypotheses were tested using similarity variance. The results with = 0,05 showed that: (1) the equated score variance from equipercentile method (2ekp200) was not different from the equated score variance from linear method (2lin200) for the sample size of 200, (2) the equated score variance from equipercentile method (2ekp400) was not different from the equated score variance from linear method (2lin400) for the sample size of 400, and (3) the equated score variance from equipercentile method (2ekp800) was different from the equated score variance from linear method (2lin800) for the sample size of 800.
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