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Collection Detail
Model Evaluasi Praktikum Kimia di Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan
Susilanigsih, Endang
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI - non-atma jaya
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan vol. 16 no. 1 (2012)
page 234-248.
program evaluation model
chemistry practicum
laboratory skills
Isi artikel
This study aims to produce a program evaluation model which is valid to evaluate the quality of chemistry practicum. The program evaluation model consists of four variables as model components,i.e:(1) the context environment which is elaborated into environment, laboratory work, technology, and society; (2) the input evaluation; (3) the process evaluation; and (4) the result evaluation adjusted to basic analytic chemistry practicum.The establishment of the instrument constructs, consisting of a model evaluation instrument and a student performance evaluation instrument, was based on the opinions of (1) evaluation experts, (2) psychometrics experts, and (3) laboratory practitioners. The subjects for tryout in this research consisted of students and practitioners. The test of the program evaluation model was carried out on the basis of: (1) utility, (2) feasibility, (3) propriety, and (4) accuracy. The model fit test to find out the reliability of the program components and the goodness of fit index used the LISREL program package. The calculation of the reliability coefficient of the instrument for the laboratory performance evaluation used the SPSS program based on the Generalizability coefficient model developed by Thorndike. The components of the variance were the person, rater, item, interactions of the person and rater, the person and item, the rater and item, and the interaction of the person, rater and item.The results of the study show that the ECIPR program evaluation model is valid and satisfies the criteria for: (1) utility, (2) feasibility, (3) propriety, and (4) accuracy. The indicator reliability of the component of environment context is 0.8649, that of the input is 0.8429, that of the process is 0.7828, and that of the result is 0.9560. The goodness of fit index is indicated by p = 0.107, RMSEA = 0.051, and GFI = 0.910. The generalizability coefficient of the qualitative analytic instrument is 0.8726 and that of the quantitative analytic instrument is 0.9384. The implementation of the ECIPR model has been proved capable of improving the students performances, which have effects on the improvement of their laboratory skills and experiences as the program target.
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