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ArtikelThe Success of Chinese EFL Learners‘ Lexical Inferencing and the Subsequent Vocabulary Knowledge Acquisition  
Oleh: Yin, Zhaochun
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: TESOL Journal vol. 8 (2013), page 117-139.
Topik: EFL; lexical inferencing; success; vocabulary acquisition
Fulltext: The Success of Chinese.pdf (1.32MB)
Isi artikelThe present study aims to explore whether Chinese EFL learners at different stages can infer the meaning of an unknown word (or, =unknown words? depending on what this author is exploring) successfully in reading, and retain the vocabulary knowledge inferred. Participants of four stages (tertiary final, tertiary middle, tertiary initial and senior secondary) were asked to read a sample text and infer the meaning of target words through thinking aloud. Additional information of their lexical inferencing was elicited through stimulated recalls. Pre-testing and post-testing were employed to check participants‘ initial and final knowledge of target vocabulary. The results show that Chinese EFL learners can figure out the meaning of many unknown words and retain partial knowledge of these words, but the success rate and the subsequent vocabulary knowledge acquisition varied at different stages of Chinese EFL learning.
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