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Cognitive and Perceptual Learning Styles of Malaysian University ESL Learners: A Socio-cultural Approach
Muniandy, Jayanthi
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
TESOL Journal vol. 8 (2013)
page 27-45.
cognitive learning style
perceptual learning style
ESL classroom
Cognitive Style Index (CSI)
Perceptual Learning Style Questionnaire (PLSPQ)
Cognitive and Perceptual.pdf
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This study investigated preferred perceptual learning styles that consisted of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile and group or individual elements among English as Second Language (ESL) learners in higher institutions based on their ethnicity and gender. It also further examined the relationship between the learners‘ preferred perceptual learning styles and their diagnosed cognitive (intuitive or analytical) in language learning process. The Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSPQ) assessed learning styles of ESL students (Reid, 1987) and the Cognitive Style Index (CSI) by Allison and Hayes (1996), designed to assess preferences for information processing were used to analyze significant differences among ESL learners. Ninety-two subjects were selected from four Academic English classes and their learning style preferences were measured based on their ethnicity (Malay, Chinese, Indian and others) and gender (male and female). Data from PLSPQ and CSI were examined by using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20. The overall students‘ perceptual and cognitive learning style preferences were identified using descriptive statistics. One-Way ANOVA was used to identify the correlation between perceptual and cognitive learning style in relation to social culture elements (gender and ethnicity) in the language learning process. Results show that ESL learners favoured kinesthetic and auditory and disfavoured individual style. The majority of male students in the English classroom were analytical compared to females. The mean scores revealed that Malay students‘ learning style preference was kinesthetic whereas Chinese students were more auditory. There was no relationship found between cognitive learning style preferences and races. Findings also identified that some cognitive styles matched with some of the perceptual learning style preferences. This result confirms the findings of previous research studies (Felder & Silverman, 1988; Sadler-Smith, 1997; Wooldridge, 1995) that brain dominance (cognitive style) influences an individual‘s perceptual learning style.
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