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Artikel'Authors' or 'Animators': Encouraging Critique in Japanese English for Academic Purpose Classes  
Oleh: Toh, Glenn
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: TESOL Journal vol. 6 (Jun. 2012), page 155-171.
Topik: Critical Pedagogy; Language; Power and Representation
Fulltext: Authors or Animators.pdf (269.88KB)
Isi artikelThis article discusses approaches to teaching critical reading for academic purposes. Based on findings of a survey done in class, it argues for the fact that reading critically is an important aspect of academic reading. The context is an EAP Reading course taught to first year liberal arts students in a tertiary institution in Japan. The curriculum in this bachelors? program is multidisciplinary, providing a selection of courses in the liberal arts, including sociology, anthropology and international relations. The program is taught in English and in the first year, students do a course in English for Academic Purposes. The synopsis for the Reading component of the EAP course notes that critical reading strategies will be taught so that students are alerted to issues relating to language, power and discourse as well as the construction, portrayal and representation of different ideas, identities and subjectivities.
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