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Collection Detail
Konstruksi dan Identifikasi Properti Psikometris Instrumen Pengukuran Kebahagiaan Berbasis Pendekatan Indigenous Psychology: Studi Multitrait-Multimethod
Anggoro, Wahyu Jati
Widhiarso, Wahyu
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Psikologi vol. 37 no. 2 (Dec. 2010)
page 176 – 188.
indigenous psychology approach
happiness scale
convergent-discriminant validity
multirait-multimethod matrix
Isi artikel
The aim of this study was to develop a scale of happiness based on indigenous psychology approach and identify it’s psychometric properties. The research was divided into three step of scenario: 1. happiness construct exploration based on indigenous psychology approach; 2. Develop the construct into a scale of happiness (Likert model); and 3. Identify it’s psychometric properties (reliability and validity). The psychometric properties analyses consist of internal consistency reliability (alpha-Cronbach) and construct validity (convergentdiscriminant). Multitrait-multimethod matrix was used on the analysis in order to identify the convergent-discriminant validity (including three comparative scales: Self-Esteem Scale Rosenberg, Self-Esteem Inventory Coopersmith, and PGC Morale Scale). The exploration result shows a unique indicators of happiness in the East native culture (N=604). The psychometric properties analysis show the alpha reliability a=0.895 and the validity was psychometrically accepted (N=111). The conclusion of this study: happiness is a unique construct that consist of strong contextual aspects and the measurement of a native happiness should used a scale of happiness that based on indigenous psychology approach. Further result will be discussed.
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