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Collection Detail
Understanding language teachers' practice with educational technology: A case from China
Li, Li
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
SYSTEM: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics (Full Text) vol. 46 (2014)
page 105-119.
Technology use
Teachers' perceptions
Case study
Socio-cultural context
Isi artikel
This article explores how eight secondary school teachers integrated educational technology into English language teaching in Beijing, China and considers their views of the factors influencing technology use. Analysing data from classroom recordings and followup interviews, this study revealed that PowerPoint was the most frequently used technological application in the classroom, while the internet and other technological tools were also used by the teachers. They employed educational technology for different pedagogical purposes, including addressing professional needs in improving teaching, designing materials and conducting professional development. Teachers also claimed that they used technology to address learners' needs, such as improving engagement, enhancing language acquisition, facilitating understanding and establishing a context for language use. The study identified four important factors in influencing teachers' use of technology, including sociocultural contexts, teachers' beliefs, access to resources, and technology competence and confidence. This study suggests that a critical reflective approach is useful in assisting teachers to understand their needs and pedagogical beliefs concerning technology use. Ongoing professional development is also valuable in promoting teachers' technology competence and confidence, thereby improving the use of technology in their teaching
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