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ArtikelGeometric Charactetristics of Hull Form as Combination of Frigate and Fast Ferry Hull Froms  
Oleh: Wenehenubun, Frederikus
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: Proceedings Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan (Ritektra) ke-4: Rekayasa dan inovasi teknologi untuk peningkatan kualitas hidup bangsa di Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, 17 September 2014, page 352-354.
Topik: fast ferry; semiplaning hull; marine vehicles
Fulltext: Prosiding RITEKTRA 2014 p68.pdf (405.55KB)
Isi artikelA new hull form was created to meet good performance in calm water with low resistance coefficient. The bow form of frigate, as variant of waterline entrance angles, and semiplaning fast ferry hull form, as variant of deadrise angles, were adopted as the prototype. Calculation of the principle dimensions was carried out according to number of passenger, car/passenger ratio, speed, and maximum cruising range. The results were length of overall, length at the designed waterline, maximum breadth, depth, and draft of the designed ship applying appropriate constants, ratios and coefficients. In addition, length-beam ratio and beam-draft ratio were fixed and stern form was determined to be transom. A number of tables and curves were provided to be used in later design works.
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