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The Drama Workshop: A Lab Alternative
Cernyak, Susan E.
Reimer, Robert C.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Foreign Language Annals (Full Text; di PROQUEST 2004 - terbaru) vol. 13 no. 5 (1980)
page 395-397.
Isi artikel
The German staff at UNCC, in an attempt to give greater appeal to the language lab, restructured the lab component of the second year and started offering several options to attendance at electronic lab. The most popular of the options is the drama lab, which is described in the article. Started in 1972, the drama lab has operated for ten semesters with great success. The objective of the lab is improvement in language ability, including pronunciation, intonation, and stress patterns. It also serves to create an environment in which students feel at ease in using the German language. Performance is not the goal of the language lab, but because of student enthusiasm for performance, plays have been performed at the Clemson Dionysia Drama Festival, for local high schools, and have been recorded on video and audio tape.
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