Anda belum login :: 11 Mar 2025 11:57 WIB
ArtikelSoftware Technology Park: Contract Management  
Oleh: Sheikh, Rizwan A. ; Jalil, M. Naiman ; Khan, Khalid A.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Asian Journal Of Management Cases vol. 11 no. 01 (Mar. 2014), page 59–66.
Topik: Public sector project procurement; contracts; procurement management
Fulltext: Asian Journal of Management Cases-2014-Sheikh-59-66_dan.pdf (201.68KB)
Isi artikelThe construction contract for the seventeen storey STP building was awarded to China State Construction & Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) as it was the lowest and technically qualified bidder. The contract was awarded for a fixed fee of PKR 2.99 billion (USD 49.83 million) with a completion timeline of eighteen months. However, after nine months of construction, the contractor approached Punjab InformationTechnology Board (PITB) and asked for relaxation on high value items like elevators, escalators and building glass. The CSCEC asked PITB to allow them to change the country of origin (manufacturing) and brand name on these items while they ensured that all technical specifications would be met and there would be no compromise on quality. The dilemma Jasem faced was whether to allow CSCEC’s request or not. He also had to understand the consequences of whatever decision he made.
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