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ArtikelStudents Classified As Learning Disabled and Non-Learning Disabled: Two Comparison Studies of Native Language Skill, Foreign Language Aptitude, and Foreign Language Proficiency  
Oleh: Sparks, Richard L. ; Artzel, Marjorie ; Javorsky, James ; Patton, Jon ; Ganschow, Leonore ; Miller, Karen ; Hordubq, Dottie
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Foreign Language Annals (Full Text; di PROQUEST 2004 - terbaru) vol. 31 no. 4 (1998), page 535-551.
Fulltext: 31_04_Sparks.pdf (1.29MB)
Isi artikelProponents oft he concept ofl earning disabilities (I@assume tha)t st udents classified as LD and those with IQ-achievement discrepancies have more severe native language and foreign language learning problems than students not classified as LD. Two studies that included high school students classified as “at-risk n for learning a foreign language (EL) investigated these assumptions. The first study compared “at-risk ” students classified as learning disabled (LD) with “at-risk”st udents not classified as LD. Results showed no significant differences between the two groups on measures of native language skill, FL aptitude, and FL learning and proficiency. The second study examined only the students classified as LD and compared students with and without discrepancies between their scores on measures of intelligence (IQ) and academic achievement. Results showed no significant differences between the two groups on measures of FL learning and proficiency. Findings suggest that students classified as LD and non-LD do not exhibit cognitive, academic achievement, and FL aptitude differences, or differencesin their FL learning and proficiency afier two years ofF L study. The findings of both studies are contrary to the W concept. The studies demonstrate the importance of pro viding verifiable evidence to substantiate claims that a student meets criteria for classification as LD. Implications focus on use of the LD label and IQ-achievement discrepancies for determining which students may have problems with FL learning.
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