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ArtikelFunctional topography of early periventricular brain lesions in relation to cytoarchitectonic probabilistic maps  
Oleh: Staudt, Martin ; Ticini, Luca F. ; Grodd, Wolfgang ; Krageloh-Mann, Ingeborg ; Karnath, Hans-Otto
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Brain and Language (Full Text) vol. 106 no. 3 (2008), page 177-183.
Topik: Early brain lesions; Reorganization; Cerebral palsy; Functional MRI; Transcranial magnetic stimulation; Cortico-spinal tract
Fulltext: 106_03_Staudt.pdf (1.3MB)
Isi artikelEarly periventricular brain lesions can not only cause cerebral palsy, but can also induce a reorganization of language. Here, we asked whether these different functional consequences can be attributed to topographically distinct portions of the periventricular white matter damage. Eight patients with pre- and perinatally acquired left-sided periventricular brain lesions underwent focal transcranial magnetic stimulation to assess the integrity of cortico-spinal hand motor projections, and functional MRI to determine the hemispheric organization of language production. MRI lesion-symptom mapping revealed that two distinct portions of the periventricular lesions were critically involved in the disruption of cortico-spinal hand motor projections on the one hand and in the induction of language reorganization into the contra-lesional right hemisphere on the other hand. Both regions are located in a position compatible with the course of cortico-spinal/cortico-nuclear projections of the primary motor cortex in the periventricular white matter, as determined by the stereotaxic probabilistic cytoarchitectonic atlas developed by the Ju¨ lich group.
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