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ArtikelThe Structuring of Information in Written English Text  
Oleh: Fries, Peter H.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Language Sciences (Full Text) vol. 14 no. 4 (1992), page 461-488,.
Fulltext: 14_04_Fries.pdf (1.77MB)
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Isi artikelTheme, Topic, and Information Structure all influence readers’ perceptions of the pacing of a text and what information is emphasized in that text. Since these three concepts relate to the perceived flow of information in texts, it is worthwhile examining how they interact in texts. This is particularly true for the discussion of the relation between Theme and Topic since many linguists equate the two concepts. (See, for example, Gundel 1978, and Huddleston 1988.) A study of written magazine advertisements will trace the differing contributions of these three structures to the advertisementsdince the data consist of texts which have been written to be read as if heard, word order and punctuation have been used to signal tonicity and tonality. In the data studied, sentence punctuation was clearly used to emphasize relevant points. Further, information which was placed at the ends of the punctuated sentences regularly correlated with information which was obviously important for the reader to remember. Information which was placed thematically in the clauses was used to orient readers to the message which was to come. Often Themes were also the Topics of their sentences, but this was not true in all cases. Indeed, in a number of cases, the Topics were omitted from some sentences of an advertisement, even though those topics were obviously relevant to the interpretation of every sentence of the passage.
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