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Comparative Reconstruction of Proto-Chinese Revisited
Ao, Benjamin
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Language Sciences (Full Text) vol. 13 no. 3-4 (1991)
page 335-379.
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This paper is a report of the preliminary results of an attempt to reconstruct Proto-Chinese based on linguistic data from modem Chinese dialects. Ever since Karlgren, Etudes SW la phonologie chinoise. Archives d’&udes orientales. (1915), studies in Chinese historical linguistics have been following the same approach: take one of the ancient rhyme tables as the starting point and give a phonetic representation to each of the sound categories in the table, drawing evidence from sources such as modem dialects, Sinoxenic pronunciations, etc. This approach has been sharply criticized by Norman, Chinese. (1988). who suggested an alternative approach: ignore the ancient rhyme dictionaries and rhyme tables and work backward from modern dialects on. This paper supports and argues for this position. Based on systematic cognate correspondence sets in 17 Chinese dialects collected from Hanyu Fangyan Zihui [A Collection of Chinese Characters with Dialectal Pronunciations], a Proto- Chinese sound system is reconstructed with 29 onsets and 74 rhymes, which is simpler and more natural than the 37 onset and 139 rhyme system Karlgren reconstructed. Various rules of sound change are proposed to account for the modern dialectal reflexes of the proto-forms. Irregularities are discussed in light of recent theories of language change, in particular the theory of lexical diffusion. Based on the proposed rules of sound change, a family tree model is built to illustrate the subgrouping relationship among the dialects under investigation.
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