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ArtikelImplications of an exemplar- theoretic model of phoneme genesis: a velar palatalization case study  
Oleh: Morley, Rebecca L
Jenis: Article from Journal
Dalam koleksi: Language And Speech vol. 57 no. 01 (Mar. 2014), page 3-41.
Topik: exemplars; sound change; simulation; universals; evolutionary phonology
Fulltext: Implications of an Exemplar-Theoretic Model of Phoneme Genesis.pdf (1.79MB)
Isi artikelDiachronic velar palatalization is taken as the case study for modeling the emergence of a new phoneme category. The spread of a palatalized variant through the lexicon is treated as a stochastic classification task for the listener/learner. The model combines two measures of similarity to determine classification within an exemplar-theoretic framework: acoustic distance and phonotactic expectation. There are three model outcomes: contrast, allophony, or contextual neutralization between the plain and palatalized velars. It is shown, through a series of simulations, that these can be predicted from the distribution of sounds within the pre-change lexicons, namely, the ratio of the /k-vowel/ sequences containing naturally palatalizing vowels (i, ?, e), to those containing non-palatalizers. “Unnatural” phonotactic associations can arise in individual lexicons, but are sharply limited due to the large size of the lexicon and the local nature of the phoneme changes. “Anti-natural” distributions, which categorically violate the proposed implicational relationship between palatalization and frontness/height, are absent. This work provides an explicit and restrictive model of phoneme change. The results also serve as an existence proof for an outcome-blind mechanism of avoiding over-generation.
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