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Implicit schemata and categories in memory-based language processing
Bosch, Antal van den
Daelemans, Walter
Article from Journal
Dalam koleksi:
Language And Speech vol. 56 no. 03 (Sep. 2013)
page 309-328.
Language acquisition and processing
memory-based learning
Implicit Schemata and Categories in Memory.pdf
Isi artikel
Memory-based language processing (MBLP) is an approach to language processing based on exemplar storage during learning and analogical reasoning during processing. From a cognitive perspective, the approach is attractive as a model for human language processing because it does not make any assumptions about the way abstractions are shaped, nor any a priori distinction between regular and exceptional exemplars, allowing it to explain fluidity of linguistic categories, and both regularization and irregularization in processing. Schema-like behaviour and the emergence of categories can be explained in MBLP as by-products of analogical reasoning over exemplars in memory. We focus on the reliance of MBLP on local (versus global) estimation, which is a relatively poorly understood but unique characteristic that separates the memory based approach from globally abstracting approaches in how the model deals with redundancy and parsimony. We compare our model to related analogy-based methods, as well as to example based frameworks that assume some systemic form of abstraction.
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