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ArtikelEasy Lies  
Oleh: Harwood, Jake
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Language and Social Psychology (Full Text) vol. 33 no. 4 (Sep. 2014), page 405 –410.
Topik: deception; theory; theory building; communication; lying
Fulltext: Easy Lies.pdf (283.07KB)
Isi artikelThe article discusses a distinction between easy, small lies versus difficult, big lies. It suggests some different processes underlying the production of these different types of lies, suggesting that certain discursive challenges facing liars only manifest for difficult lies that have to be produced unexpectedly. The article also explores the strengths of the two articles at the center of this special issue, focusing on them as examples of theory building in the discipline of communication.
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