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ArtikelThe Effects of Time Constraints on Students' Writing Performance  
Oleh: Fitria, Nur Ainani ; Martina, Feny ; Khairiyani, Sadiatul
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: The 61st TEFLIN International Conference : English Language Curriculum Development: Implications for Innovations in Language Policy and Planning, Pedagogical Practices, and Teacher Professional Development, Solo, 7 - 9 October 2014, page 1176-1178 .
Topik: time constraints; the effects of time constraints; students’ writing performance
Isi artikelMost of the standardized tests that are administered today exist with time constraints for completion. However, these prescribed time constraints are often not allowing test takers enough time to do the test calmly and rationally. Rooted in the phenomenon, this study was conducted. By using factorial design as the design of this study, the objective of this study was specifically to find out whether or not time constraints significantly affected on students’ writing performance. This study was conducted among EFL learners of English Education Study Program at STKIP Siliwangi Bandung. They were asked to write two equivalent types of an argumentative essay writing based on a certain topic under varied testing conditions, a standard time constraint (90 minutes) and under an extended time constraint (120 minutes). To collect the data, the instruments used in this study were a writing test and semi-structured interview. To achieve the objective of this study, the one-sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Mann-Whitney U test were used. The findings of the study showed that there was any difference on the students’ writing performance between students with 90 minute test taking time and 120 minute test taking time. In short, time constraints affected the students’ writing performance.
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