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ArtikelAnalysis Of Goods At Company X’S Modern Trade  
Oleh: Suhandi, Victor ; Silalahi, Lydiawari ; Arisandhy, Vivi
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: Proceeding The 7th International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (7th ISIEM) di Bali, March 11th – 13th, 2014, page PS 49-57.
Topik: consumer goods; inventory control; simulation
Fulltext: Paper 43 Victor Suhandi Maranatha University.pdf (351.26KB)
Isi artikelCOMPANY X is a company that engaged in the field of consumer goods .The products’ sales distribution is divided into general trade and modern trade. The company used a third party for the modern trade, namely COMPANY Y as a provider of warehouse and delivery service. The existence of an uncertainty demand and the provision of consumer that the products received is the products that have expired remaining terms of over 5 months, cause the company has to control the inventory well. Currently the company ordering every 10 days and the amount is half of every month's forecasting results. Forecasting method used is the 3-period moving average. Company inventory control method has yet noticed the inventory in the warehouse so there is often shortage and excess goods in the warehouse. In solving these problems will be calculated the maximum inventory and the inventory control method using periodic review (the value of t from 3 days to 10 days). All of these methods will be made in the simulation model by using Promodel as simulation software. Based on simulation results, the total cost for the company's method is Rp. 2,101,485,010, the periodic review method with t=3 days (based on the smallest inventory control cost) is Rp. 1,904,376,880 (9.38 % savings), and the periodic review method with t = 10 days (based on the company's ordering period) is Rp. 1,934,429,650 (7.59 % savings). Therefore, the inventory control method that should be applied by the company is the periodic review method (t=3 days). However, if the company needs time to make changes, it may choose the periodic review method with the company's ordering period namely t=10 days
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