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Children’s Literature: The Relationship Between Literary Text and Media Used in Young Learners’ Class
Chasanatun, Tri Wahyuni
Article from Proceeding
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The 61st TEFLIN International Conference : English Language Curriculum Development: Implications for Innovations in Language Policy and Planning, Pedagogical Practices, and Teacher Professional Development, Solo, 7 - 9 October 2014
page 1013-1015 .
Literary Text
Young Learner
Implementation in the Classroom
Isi artikel
One of the characteristics of young learners is that they sometimes have difficulty in knowing what is fact and what is fiction. The dividing line between the real world and the imaginary world is not clear. They also love to play, and learn best when they are enjoying themselves. But they also take themselves seriously and like to think that what they are doing is ‘real’ work (A.Scott W, et al.:1) In this article, the writer will discuss about the implementation of E-Literature as the source of material that will be used by the young learners’ teacher in class. “Children’s literature is good-quality trade books for children from birth to adolescence, covering topics of relevance and interest to children of those ages, through prose and poetry, fiction and nonfiction” (Tomlinson M.C and Lynch-Brown C: 1999). There are 3 relationship between literary text and media. The first refers to electronically augmented literary texts, or perhaps electronically augmented experience relating to literary texts. This category is concerned with literature that has been published in book format only, but the books are augmented with online resources that enhance and extend the story world of the book. The second category of relationship among literary texts and digital media is the electronically re-contextualized literary text. In this category, literature that has been published in book form is re-published online or as a CD-ROM. The third category relating narratives to digital format is the digitally originated literary text. These are stories that have been published in digital format only-on the web CD-ROM (Unsworth.Len. 2005:2). This kind of material from literary text can be used in teaching and learning process whether it will be in a group or in pair.
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