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ArtikelThe Effectiveness of Self-monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking (SMART) to Teach Reading Viewed from Students' Reading Anxiety  
Oleh: Suryaningsih, Ruliq
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: The 61st TEFLIN International Conference : English Language Curriculum Development: Implications for Innovations in Language Policy and Planning, Pedagogical Practices, and Teacher Professional Development, Solo, 7 - 9 October 2014, page 763-766.
Topik: Experimental Study; Reading Skill; Self-Monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking (SMART); Direct Instruction; Students’ Reading Anxiety
Isi artikelReading is one of the difficulty sources for English as a foreign language (EFL) students. The problems that they encounter are due to a number of factors including lack of appropriate reading strategy. Besides, there are also psychological factors that influence students’ reading skill, one of them is students’ reading anxiety. The use of appropriate reading strategy is needed to encounter these problems. Self-Monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking (SMART) is a strategy in reading that provides students with a system for monitoring their reading success by understanding rather than memorizing the text. This paper presentation will identify the effectiveness of SMART in teaching reading, the difference reading skill between the students having low and high reading anxiety, and whether there is an interaction between the strategies in reading and students’ reading anxiety. The presentation will start by discussing relevant concepts such as reading, the effectiveness of strategies in teaching reading, and students’ reading anxiety. Since this research is experimental, the presentation will move on to identify whether there is an interaction between the strategies in reading and students’ reading anxiety. This presentation will give information about the importance of teaching strategies and students’ reading anxiety on students’ reading skill.
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