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ArtikelThe Effect of Process-product Approach to Writing on EFL Learners' Writing Accuracy  
Oleh: Mujiono
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: The 61st TEFLIN International Conference : English Language Curriculum Development: Implications for Innovations in Language Policy and Planning, Pedagogical Practices, and Teacher Professional Development, Solo, 7 - 9 October 2014, page 689-692 .
Topik: Process-product approach to writing; EFL learner; writing accuracy
Isi artikelThis present study was to investigate the effect of process-product based approach to writing on EFL learner’s writing accuracy. A quasi experimental design was used in the current study. To this end, 80 students of 2012 intake of English Department of Kanjuruhan University of Malang were randomly selected. The sample was randomly divided into two equal groups with 40 members. The experimental group received process-based approach to writing. While participants in the control group attending the same course received product-based approach to writing. The instruments used in this study were tasks which required the students to write in English. The students were asked to write according to process approach. Analyzing the collected data through an independent sample t test revealed that students who were provided process-based approach to writing had significantly higher impact on EFL learners’ writing accuracy. It can be concluded that giving process-based approach can improve the students’ writing accuracy. The implication for language teacher is that giving process-based approach better be provided than product-based approach to writing.
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