Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:18 WIB
ArtikelMultilevel Verification and User Recognition Strategy for E-mail Clients  
Oleh: Luma, Artan ; Raufi, Bujar ; Ismaili, Burim
Jenis: Article from Books - E-Book
Dalam koleksi: Transactions on Engineering Technologies: Special Volume of the World Congress on Engineering 2013, page 641-654.
Topik: Algorithms; Authorisation; Cryptography; Cryptosystems; E-mail security; User authentication
Fulltext: 46_978-94-017-8831-1_Luma_Raufi_Ismaili.pdf (598.94KB)
Isi artikelUser authentication and identification have always represented a challenge in web-based e-mail systems. The text-based authentication and user identification are not sufficient to address the security issues facing web-based e-mail systems. This sort of security is completely retrograde and obsolete for current security threats that easily undermine authentication, identification and non-repudiation. In this paper, a security increase in e-mail client is proposed by introducing multiple-level authentication and identification in e-mail clients. The proposed multilevel authentication and identification consist of four levels, where level-1 is the text-based authentication, level-2 involves an image based authentication and finally level-3 and level-4 use a specific algorithm that exploits the powerful properties of two mathematical operators called Pentors and UltraPentors applied against the image in level-2.
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