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Collection Detail
Work-Family Conflict And Work-Related Attitude: The Mediating Effects Of Stress Reactions
Aisyah, Siti Binti Panatik
Khadijah, Siti Binti Zainal Badri
Azizah Binti Rajab
Yusof, Rosman Bin Mohd.
Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi:
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies vol. 04 no. 01 (2012)
page 377-387.
Work-family conflict
Stress Reactions
Job satisfaction
Turnover intention
Affective commitment
04_01_Siti Aisyah Binti Panatik.pdf
Isi artikel
This study aims to investigate the relationship between work-family conflict (i.e. work-to-family and family-to-work) and work-related attitudes (i.e. job satisfaction, affective commitment and turnover intentions) among academician in Malaysia. Mediation effects of stress reactions which are behavioral stress, somatic stress and cognitive stress were also tested. A survey method using questionnaire was utilized to obtain the data. A total of 267 respondents were participated, giving the return rate of 20% from the ent ire of population. Research data were analyzed using PASW18 and AMOS SPSS18. Result indicated that only work-to-family conflict was significantly related to stress reactions. While, behavioral stress mediates the effects of work-to-family conflict on job satisfaction, affective commitment and turnover intentions. Cognitive stress only mediates the effects of work-to-family conflict on affective commitment. This paper also discusses the implication of this study to the organization and future research.
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