Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:43 WIB
ArtikelThe Relative Valuation of Caps and Swaptions : Theory And Empirical Evidence  
Oleh: Schwartz, Eduardo S. ; Santa-Clara, Pedro ; Longstaff, Francis A.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The Journal of Finance (EBSCO) vol. 56 no. 6 (2001), page 2067-2110.
Topik: valuation; studies; swap arrangements; correlation analysis; valuation; derivatives
Fulltext: p 2067.pdf (777.14KB)
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Isi artikelAlthough traded as distinct products, caps and swaptions are linked by no arbitrage relations through the correlation structure of interest rates. Using a string market model, we solve for the correlation matrix implied by swaptions and examine the relative valuation of caps and swaptions. We find that swaption prices are generated by four factors and that implied correlations are lower then historical correlations. Long - dates swaptions appear mispriced and there were major pricing distortions during the 1998 hedge - fund crisis. Cap prices periodically deviate significantly form the no - arbitrage values implied by the swaptions market.
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