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ArtikelIncident and Traffic-Bottleneck Detection Algorithm in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery  
Oleh: Kahaki, S.M.M. ; Nordin, Md. Jan ; Ashtari, Amir Hossein
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Journal of ICT Research and Applications vol. 6C no. 2 (2012), page 151-170.
Topik: aerial image analysis; incident detection; Radon transform; trafficbottleneck detection; traffic controlling; vehicle detection.
Fulltext: C11178.pdf (573.22KB)
Isi artikelOne of the most important methods to solve traffic congestion is to detect the incident state of a roadway. This paper describes the development of a method for road traffic monitoring aimed at the acquisition and analysis of remote sensing imagery. We propose a strategy for road extraction, vehicle detection and incident detection from remote sensing imagery using techniques based on neural networks, Radon transform for angle detection and traffic-flow measurements. Traffic-bottleneck detection is another method that is proposed for recognizing incidents in both offline and real-time mode. Traffic flows and incidents are extracted from aerial images of bottleneck zones. The results show that the proposed approach has a reasonable detection performance compared to other methods. The best performance of the learning system was a detection rate of 87% and a false alarm rate of less than 18% on 45 aerial images of roadways. The performance of the traffic-bottleneck detection method had a detection rate of 87.5%.
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