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Collection Detail
Incident and Traffic-Bottleneck Detection Algorithm in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
Kahaki, S.M.M.
Nordin, Md. Jan
Ashtari, Amir Hossein
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of ICT Research and Applications vol. 6C no. 2 (2012)
page 151-170.
aerial image analysis
incident detection
Radon transform
trafficbottleneck detection
traffic controlling
vehicle detection.
Isi artikel
One of the most important methods to solve traffic congestion is to detect the incident state of a roadway. This paper describes the development of a method for road traffic monitoring aimed at the acquisition and analysis of remote sensing imagery. We propose a strategy for road extraction, vehicle detection and incident detection from remote sensing imagery using techniques based on neural networks, Radon transform for angle detection and traffic-flow measurements. Traffic-bottleneck detection is another method that is proposed for recognizing incidents in both offline and real-time mode. Traffic flows and incidents are extracted from aerial images of bottleneck zones. The results show that the proposed approach has a reasonable detection performance compared to other methods. The best performance of the learning system was a detection rate of 87% and a false alarm rate of less than 18% on 45 aerial images of roadways. The performance of the traffic-bottleneck detection method had a detection rate of 87.5%.
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