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ArtikelReliability for the Law of Comparative Judgment  
Oleh: Gulliksen, Harold ; Tukey, John W.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Psychometrika: A Journal of Quantitative Psychology vol. 23 no. 2 (Jun. 1958), page 95-110.
Topik: Law of Comparative Judgment
Fulltext: Vol 23 No. 2 June 1958 p.95-110.pdf (701.42KB)
Isi artikelA variance-components analysis is presented for paired comparisons in terms of three components:s, the scale value of the stimuli;d, a deviation from the linear model specified by the law of comparative judgment; andb, a binomial error component. Estimates are given for each of the three variances, s s 2 , s d 2 , and s b 2 . Several coefficients, analogous to reliability coefficients, based on these three variances are indicated. The techniques are illustrated in a replicated comparison of handwriting specimens.
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